Monday, 11 December 2017

Christmas and the agony season

Christmas is just around the corner, and for many this is a good thing. But for many it isn't.

For many, Christmas and other holiday times are pure agony. They are the reminder that there just isn't enough money to go around and so Christmas is going to be sparse, again. Or it's a reminder that a loved one wont be in the family due to death or divorce or some other reason. For some it was a time when they couldn't escape the abuse at home and so instead of being fun Christmas and other holidays are times of emotional and physical pain and suffering.

There are so many people out there that suffer. So please, spare a thought to those who do suffer in silence, and often a hug and a listening ear can go a long way to easing the pain. There are some smiles that are out there that are only just covering the pain.

When you're out doing your Christmas shopping, slow down, take a look around you, life, for many is not all smiles and laughter!

For those of you suffering, remember there is help ... all you need to do is ask.